Bunny Therapy FAQ

Q: Can I talk to someone before I book a time? 
A: Certainly.  Please call or text Paul at 404-432-0489 if you need to speak to someone before booking.

Q: Where are you located?
A: Our approximate location is Skip Wells Park in Marietta, GA, which is about 20 miles NW of Atlanta, Georgia.  Look for our exact address in your confirmation email.

Q: What is Bunny Therapy?

A: Whether interested in adopting a bunny or not, anyone can benefit from time spent interacting with our bunnies.  Give yourself or your loved one a dose of softness, cuteness, warmth and affection from our clearly loved bunnies.  

Q: How much is bunny therapy?
A: Normally, it’s $50 per session, but for a limited time we are offering free bunny therapy sessions for those who are interested in adopting 1 or more bunnies from Foothills Rabbitry. 

Q: What can I do during bunny therapy?
A: Observe, pet, snuggle with and hold Holland Lop bunnies ranging from 2 to 8 weeks of age.  Gain confidence in bunny care and enjoyment. 

Q: What is the atmosphere like?
A: We like to customize the experience to match our customer’s needs.  Think of a blend of southern hospitality, a petting zoo, and a field trip.   

Q: How long is a session?
A: Sessions are 50 minutes each.

Q: How often can I book a session?
A: During our complimentary bunny therapy session period, we ask that you limit sessions to one session per month.

Q: Is the complimentary bunny session available to me even if I have no interest in bunny adoption?
A: No.  In that case we ask that you pay the regular $50 fee.  Our priority is to find loving homes for our bunnies.

Q: Can I book a session for a friend as a gift?
A: Not a good idea.  We require the person who makes the appointment to be the person who comes to the event.  That way, if changes or cancellation occurs, communication is simple and direct.

Q: Are bunny therapy sessions a good value?
A: Yes!  Enjoy the benefits of many labor hours of love that culminate in what you can experience at the rabbitry.  

Q: How many people can come for a session?
A: Come alone or bring a friend or the whole family (up to 6 bunny lovers per session).  

Q: Is there a minimum age?
A: Kids of all ages are welcome.  We ask that parents help their kids follow the guidance of the Foothills Rabbitry family during the session.

Q: Who will be there?
A: Members of the Foothills Rabbitry family will be there to assist you with the bunnies.  

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